Steinmetz Alumni Annual Picnic, Hall of Fame Ceremony, and Open House – June 8, 2014


Save the date: June 8th!
In conjunction with the Steinmetz 80th Anniversary and Open House, we are having our Annual Alumni Picnic on the school campus this year on June 8, 2014.We thought this would be fun and nostalgic for all classes! Browse memorabilia, be a part of our Hall of Fame ceremony, and come and see how much the school has changed! Plan a mini reunion!

What: Steinmetz Alumni Annual Picnic, Hall of Fame Ceremony, and Open House

When: June 8, 2014 11am

Where: Steinmetz College Prep (Steinmetz High School)
3030 N Mobile Ave, Chicago, IL 60634

Visit our Facebook Event


Event information:

  • Open house to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Steinmetz High School
  • 61st annual alumni picnic, on the school campus
  • Steinmetz Hall of Fame Ceremony!

We are in need of volunteers to help. If you are interested in helping us, please contact us and we will share further details!

Our annual picnic will be on the school campus from 11AM – ??
We will have some tents, tables and chairs but you can bring your own and set up on the campus. Porta-let toilets will also be on the campus

Handicapped accessible, parking in the lot off of Barry Ave, we will have golf carts to assist you to and from the front of the campus

Food will be available to buy, if you don’t feel like packing that picnic lunch or grilling. We are working with several area vendors that will sell food or you can bring your own! We hope to have those lunchroom sugar cookies available!

The 1st floor of the school will be open from 11AM-4PM for the Open House
Rooms will be filled with memorabilia, a “Memories of the Past” DVD produced by Ron Gliot, 6/51, will be shown in one of the rooms! You don’t want to miss our displays of Steinmetz Alumni and school memorabilia.

Celebration of the initial inductees to the Steinmetz Hall of Fame: Tony Canadeo, Ralph Frese, Hugh Hefner, Joseph DiLeonardi, Chuck Schaden and Jim Franz.

Hall of Fame program:  2:00-3:30 p.m.
Picnic donation book drawing:  3:30 p.m.

Lots of surprises and entertainment throughout the day!

Did you send in your donations booklet?
We thank everyone in advance for all their support, we could not do this without your help and we really need your help. Donations are greatly appreciated to help cover the cost of the event.

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