If you are planning a reunion, please contact Joann (Hinz) Taylor and let her know the details, and she will let you know how we can help! If we do not know about your reunion, we cannot list it in our newsletter or on our website!
Bookmark this page to check for the latest reunion information that is shown below.
For tips, info and resources on how to plan a reunion, click here!
UPCOMING Steinmetz Reunions
The Steinmetz High School Alumni Association is not responsible for managing and/or organizing class reunions. Upon request of Reunion Organizers, we review and verify reunion authenticity to the best of our ability. Upon a satisfactory review, we will post reunions to this site.
We do not explicitly endorse reunions. We simply list those reunions which have been submitted to us, as a service to our Alumni. If the user is interested in assisting with or attending a specific reunion, it is up to the user to decide to seek further information and contact those responsible for organizing the reunion.