While most of the 2021 reunions have been postponed or rescheduled. The Steinmetz Alumni Association asks Reunion organizers to take all precautions as outlined by the CDC and the State of Illinois to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
June 1970 – rescheduled
October 23, 2021, Saturday
Half Day Brewing Company, Lincolnshire, IL
David Wians and Nancy LaMasse Geraci are co-chairs.
Facebook page: STEINMETZ 1970 REUNION
Email: 50threunion1970@gmail.com
Please pass the word around as they have many
‘missing’ addresses.
That’s all we got for now…but…When the COVID-19 craziness is over…
How about having a mini reunion at the school?? We can help
plan for a Saturday morning/afternoon. For some
of the classes that are smaller and just want a place
to get together and see the school at the same
time…just give it a thought!!
The alumni association would love to help.
It can be FREE !!
Contact us for more information!
If you do not let us know about your reunion or get
together, we cannot help inform your classmates.