New Temporary Mailing Address

Since March of 2020 the school has been closed and we have not been able to get our mail. We have temporarily changed our mailing address so that we can receive our mail and process memberships and renewals in a timely manner. It was just announced today that all CPS schools will start in the fall with remote learning, so we most likely will not have access to the school building for the foreseeable future.

IF YOU HAVE SENT US ANY CORRESPONDENCE OR A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR MEMBERSHIP from March 2020 onward to the old address it will be a while until we get it and your membership to be processed until we are able to get our mail again from the school.

The new mailing address is
Steinmetz Alumni Association
c/o Joann Taylor
CHICAGO IL 60646-5418

Please send all correspondence/memberships to this new address until further notice. Thank you for all of your support, be strong, and stay healthy and safe!

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